Yothika - half-indianhalf-thai whore gets pumped and dumped on spycam

I've previously mentioned that having sex with the same type of women can become monotonous. They all start to blend together, looking alike. That's why from time to time, I enjoy seeking something a bit more unique. This week, I encountered Yothika, a hidden cam escort.

I spotted Yothika dancing provocatively in a small Gogo bar in Soi LK Metro. While she may not have been as slender as some of the other available women, she possessed a distinct look that caught my attention. I invited Yothika for a drink and discovered that she was of Indian descent. Exciting! I rarely have the opportunity to engage with women of Indian heritage, so I knew right away that she was the one for the night. We engaged in conversation as I caressed her voluptuous breasts beneath her bra. Subsequently, I paid the barfine and brought the eager woman back to my apartment for some excitement.

Following a shower and a change into revealing attire, Yothika wasted no time in pleasuring me orally. Her blowjob skills were impressive and quickly aroused me. After a short while, I was determined to fulfill my desire to ejaculate inside this escort.

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